Liza Borches: How Dealership Culture Drives Bottom-Line Sales

Liza Borches is the CEO of the Carter Myers Auto Group and is a shining light in the retail auto industry when it comes to culture, leadership, and thought-leadership. With several rooftops (and expanding) and hundreds of employees, Liza has proven that a healthy work environment can, in fact, drive more bottom line sales.

What we discuss in this episode:

  • The backstory: How Liza got into the car business and what drove her motivation to build a healthy culture.

  • Carter Myers tagline says it all — while most car dealers say things like "Your #1 Choice for new and use car sales," Theirs reads, "Moving Lives Forward."

  • As a Honda rep years ago, Liza observed that the most successful dealerships almost always did things differently. It wasn't just about driving sales, it was more about employee well-being and creating and environment whereby they could grow.

  • Leaders must show genuine interest in their people if they ever want a hope at the long-game success.

  • Liza meets with her entire leadership team across all of her stores every single week to discuss where they can improve their culture, employee happiness, and customer experience. 

  • It is possible to track bottom line sales to a healthy dealership culture. It's something customers can feel when they encounter the dealership online and in person.

  • Liza explains that the money will follow when you show genuine care and concern for the people responsible for generating the revenue.

  • Listen to the full episode for even more insights! 

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Thanks, Liza Borches!

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